Skylab is a Telugu period comedy-drama film that was released theatrically on 4 December 2021. The story revolves around a fictitious incident in a village in Telangana; the incident was preceded by the disintegration of the American space station Skylab in 1979. Here’s the complete list of the cast and crew of “Skylab”:
Table of Contents
Satyadev Kancharana
As: Anand
Know more about him from here➡️ Satyadev Kancharana’s LyriCSToN Profile
Nithya Menen
As: Gowri
Know more about her from here➡️ Nithya Menen’s LyriCSToN Profile
Rahul Ramakrishna
As: Subedar Ramarao
Tanikella Bharani
Role: Anand’s grandfather
Anusha Nuthula
Mahaboob Basha
As: Meesam Saidulu
Aripirala Satyaprasad
As: Ramesh
Meesam Suresh
Tulasi Shivamani
Know more about her from here➡️ Tulasi Shivamani’s LyriCSToN Profile
Vishnu OI
As: Seenu
Tharun Bhascker
Subbaraya Sharma
Role: Schoolmaster