Have you ever been unable to concentrate while trying to study? Perhaps you skimmed a few pages of the textbook and have no recollection of what you read. This is a relatively frequent occurrence, even among the most skilled learners.
This article will help you find 12 ways that help you learn better and retain what you study. You may use these strategies to enhance your performance in any field, whether you apply them to NFL Point Spreads or a more traditional subject like mathematics or science.
Avoiding distractions and recalling what you’ve learned will enable you to be more productive and accomplish better results.
Table of Contents
1. Teach Someone Else.
You may not comprehend an idea well enough if you can’t readily convey it to someone else. According to studies, the average person recalls 90% of what they studied when they explain the concept or promptly put it into practice. You’ll rapidly see your areas of weakness while teaching or applying an idea. Revisit the information until you are comfortable explaining it to someone else.
2. When Are You Most Alert and Attentive?
Instead of studying harder, study smarter. Your mind is more focused at particular times of the day, which varies from person to person. Understanding when you are most alert will assist you in determining your best study hours. The key is to schedule a study time when you can concentrate and memorize your subject. When you are tired or preoccupied, you are more likely to squander time than understand anything.
3. Take a Break
Pause. It’s difficult to resist the temptation to skim over the content, but the result is poor retention. Instead of reading your learning materials from start to finish, break them up into small pieces, stop to think and review the ideas, and then move on. Take frequent breaks to avoid losing interest or passion. A brief change of scenery will help you replenish your cells and boost your retention.
4. Use Mnemonic Devices
Mnemonics are techniques that aid in the recall of facts, vast volumes of knowledge, and information retention. They aid in memory stimulation using music, visuals, acronyms, rhymes, or other techniques. Nurses utilize mnemonics to assist them in remembering the wide range of sophisticated medical knowledge required to effectively and adequately care for their patients.
5. Group Studying
When it comes to studying a complex subject, study groups can be invaluable. It is incredibly advantageous to exchange ideas and theories and use your combined knowledge to solve difficulties. Furthermore, having a study group enables you to ask questions and see things from different perspectives, which opens up fresh avenues for learning about the same topic.
6. Stop Multitasking
Many years ago, it was believed that those who could multitask or accomplish multiple tasks simultaneously had the edge over those who did not. However, new evidence reveals that multitasking can reduce the effectiveness of learning. Participants lost substantial amounts of time switching between numerous activities and even more time as the assignments became more intricate.
By transitioning from one activity to another, you will acquire knowledge more slowly, become less productive, and make more mistakes. How can you prevent the risks associated with multitasking? Begin by focusing on the assignment and working for a specific time.
7. Concentrate on a Single Subject at a Time
Some topics require intense concentration to comprehend fully. Jumping from a topic dilutes your efforts. As a result, it limits your ability to retain knowledge. Avoid doing this at all costs. When studying, focus on one task at a time. Taking on too many things could leave you feeling overwhelmed.
8. Write it Down
Reading and writing involve separate parts of the brain. This means that if you try to write down a thought while reviewing the material, you’ll go over it again. This will be beneficial to both visual and auditory learners.
9. Gain Practical Experience
Putting new abilities and knowledge into practice might be one of the most practical ways to improve learning. Focus on acquiring practical experience if you want to learn a new talent or ability. Execute the exercise regularly if it is a sport or athletic talent. If you’re learning a foreign language, speak with another individual and immerse yourself in immersive activities.
10. Make it Interesting
Most people have difficulty focusing on uninteresting topics. Make the topic personal to combat this. Concentrating on how it will be used in your work is one method to personalize a case.
11. Avoid Distractions
Texting, phone calls, social media, and other electronic device distractions are some of the most significant barriers to keeping focused while studying. Fortunately, the solution is simple. Unplug your computer. Turn off, quiet, or put the phone in airplane mode. Maintain your focus and establish a productive learning atmosphere.
12. Make it a Habit
The key to forming a new habit is repetition. Find a place and time where you know your concentration best and incorporate it into your daily schedule. Prioritize your time by listing the most critical tasks for the day and allotting enough time for each. Make a strict timetable and hold yourself accountable to your deadlines. This will also aid you in your profession.